Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Got a new Computer

Yay, I have a new laptop, you know what that means, I no longer am at the mercy of my kindle. I have a keyboard and all the stuff I need to upload pictures and do videos. Hopefully I won't break this one. I took the time without a computer to learn more about running an online business and taking good photos and things like that. I also got a cheap camera tripod it's flimsy but it'll work until I can afford a more professional one, same with my camera. This also means I can get more done on my crafting blog and maybe make some actual crafting videos. I'm really excited.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Years Resolutions and January goals

I'm a little late to the party but I guess I should share some of my new years resolutions and goals. My main goals are to be more self reliant and live a more natural life. So here are my goals to be more self reliant and more natural.

Homestead goals
-grow my garden and I vow to take care of it. My  blackberries are established I want to add raspberries and blueberries in the summer.
-Prepare my land for an orchard. We may not be able to start the permaculture forest this year but I get ready for the biggest part, which will be the full size fruit trees I intend to get someday.
-Prepare my land for animals. We already budgeted for 200feet of fence we intend to get a dog and a cat first before we explore keeping livestock.

Healthy living goals
-make more things from scratch. It's been hard to cook for my family since I started working but now that Christmas is over my schedule is not so crazy and I can make some meals and put them in the freezer.
-Drink more water.
-Do yoga. My husband an I have agreed to do yoga together although getting him started is next to impossible.
-Go for outdoor walks whenever possible. With the children and hubby.

Family and goals
-Read to the girls every day.
-read with hubby everyday.
-Start Claire on a kindergarten homeschool curriculum.
-Continue to breastfeed Abby.

Personal goals
-Get more organized. If I plan to run a business from my home I have to get my house in order.
-make regular blog posts and YouTube videos.
-Build up my business.
-Take a quilting class.

Those are my goals for the year. Here's to a good one.